Characteristics of absorption features in this region, such as wavelength position of the band centres, the shape of the absorption bands and their relative intensities are diagnostics of mineralogy as well as abundance. However, the 3 \(\upmu \)m region is notoriously difficult for ground-based...
These frameworks utilize various methodologies including Bayesian analysis, nested sampling, and machine learning techniques to analyze and interpret spectroscopic data, ultimately aiming to infer the composition, temperature structure, and other characteristics of exoplanetary atmospheres....
40 Uranus orbits the Sun on its side. 1 41 The fastest land animal in the world is the snail. 0 42 The largest continent in the world is Asia. 1 43 The Statue of Liberty is located in Paris. 0 44 The first successful powered flight was made by the Wright Brothers in 1903. 1 45...
Amy was nerdy, shy, and obsessed with homework -- especially considering the PSAs at the end of each episode. Her main characteristics were being smart and owning a computer. As Sailor Mercury, her abilities were water-based, and her go-to opener was Mercury Bubbles Blast. Not exactly the ...
Themis, a child of Uranus and Gaea, was Zeus’ second consort before he married Hera; with him she bore the Horae (the goddesses of the seasons and time). Sometimes the Moirai (the fates) and the Hesperides are also listed as children of Themis and Zeus. ...