1. Inner Mongolia Seismic Station, Hohhot China 010010 2. Hohhot Earthquake Monitoring Central Station, Hohhot China 010010 More Information Abstract Based on the Power Spectral Density (PSD) analysis method, the power spectral density characteristics of typical tilt observation data in Inner Mongolia...
Vertical displacement and member stress level of TS1-1TS1-2竖向位移如图12(a)所示,提升过程中最大竖向位移为43 mm,位于角部悬挑端,悬挑长度为16 m,挠度为1/372,满足1/125的限值[18]要求。杆件应力水平如图12(b)所示,提升过程中最大应力为202 MPa,小于钢材强度设计值305 MPa,结构处于弹性状态。View...
However, their texture, peculiarities of reservoir distribution, and variations of their properties are often unreflected in the characteristics of seismic waves due to limitations of the seismic survey resolution. The sedimentation modeling describes spatiotemporal relationships of the identified lithofacies ...
We present new ice-thickness and seismic-reflection measurements collected over the main sticky spot in the ice plain of WIS, allowing us to elucidate its role in the behavior of the ice stream. Ice-thickness and surface-elevation data show that the sticky spot occupies a subglacial topographic...
INVESTIGATION ON THE LONG-TERM FLUCTUATION OF THE DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS AND TRANSMITTING BEHAVIORS OF SEISMIC WAVES IN A ROCKFILL DAM - FOUNDATION SYSTEM With the earthquake records obtained during the last 23 years, analyses of the transfer function, the cross spectrum and the coherence function hav...
It is important to assess the likely rupture characteristics of future megathrust earthquakes. One approach is to study the spatiotemporal variation of geophysical properties in active subduction zones. We explore this idea by examining stress drops of 1563 small earthquakes (Mw 3.0–4.5) shallower th...
For example, the feasability of multi-disciplinary use of geometry in BIM/GIS integration and automated thermal analysis of IFC building models is largely shaped by the characteristics of the algorithmns offered in open source libraries such as CGAL and Open CASCADE. This research project is an ...
Displacement current. Electromagnetic waves and their characteristics, Transverse nature of electromagnetic waves, Electromagnetic spectrum (radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible, ultraviolet. X-rays. Gamma rays), Applications of e.m. waves
Can you say what the individual concentrations of Zn^2+ and Cu^2+ are? Why or why not? What is an interferogram? What is its relationship to a plot of absorbance versus wavenumber? List and describe the characteristics of sedimentary, igneous, and metamorp...
Recently, the ever-growing interest in the continuous monitoring of heart function in out-of-laboratory settings for an early diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases has led to the investigation of innovative methods for cardiac monitoring. Among others, wearables recording seismic waves induced on the che...