1.先给本地分支master改名 $ git branch -M main 说明:“-M”对分支重命名 2.查看所有分支 $ git branch -a * main remotes/origin/main remotes/origin/master 3.删除远程分支master $ git push origin --delete master To https://github.com/***/learnOpenGL.git - [deleted] master 4.确认删除情况...
Any commit message that does not conform to the Conventional Commits standard will cause the workflow to fail and not allow the PR to be merged. Pull request guidelines All pull requests must be merged using rebase merges. This ensures that commit messages from the feature branch are preserved ...
Latest source code is available frommain branch on GitHub. Open issues can be found inissue tracker, andplanning documentation. SeeRelease NotesandChange Logfor more details of the releases. Installing Tesseract You can eitherInstall Tesseract via pre-built binary packageorbuild it from source. ...
The command worked, but you merged the add-orders-queue branch into your main branch in only your local Git repository. Run the following statement to try to push your changes to GitHub: Bash Copy git push Notice that your push fails with an error message ...
The command worked, but you merged the add-orders-queue branch into your main branch in only your local Git repository. Run the following statement to try to push your changes to GitHub: Bash Copy git push Notice that your push fails with an error message...
A remote repository, such as GitHub maintains, is slightly different, in that it is usually abarerepository, meaning that it has no working tree. It consists entirely of information stored inside its.gitfolder; no branch is ever checked out. Nevertheless, a remote repositorystillhas a default ...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于git branch -m main的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及git branch -m main问答内容。更多git branch -m main相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
Sometimes when you work on a repository you may have commited a change locally that is not pushed to the remote branch. As git is a collaborative platform other people may have commited in your branch and you may need to perform agit pullin order to get the latest changes. ...
This is an example epic with a proposal to map rules for protected branches when migrating GitHub protected rules. What can be imported from GitHub to GitLab? Repository description Git repository data Branch protection rules Issues Pull requests Wiki pages Milestones Labels Pull request review ...
The command worked, but you merged the add-orders-queue branch into your main branch in only your local Git repository. Run the following statement to try to push your changes to GitHub: Bash Copy git push Notice that your push fails with an error message t...