A wide range of treatments exists, and they can be categorized by lifestyle changes, over-the-counter remedies, and prescription medications. What Are the Benefits and Risks of These Menopausal Treatments? Each treatment approach has its own pros and cons, and many women find it is helpful to...
Potential benefits of their dietary intake on human health and, more specifically, on cancer risk (including breast cancer) have been also reviewed [48,49]. Specifically, for breast cancer, interesting results have been obtained with a mixture of tea extract and quercetin [50], with Pinus ...
Kudzu root (Pueraria lobate (Willd.) Ohwi, KR) is an edible plant with rich nutritional and medicinal values. Over the past few decades, an ample variety of biological effects of Pueraria isoflavone have been evaluated. Evidence has shown that Pueraria i
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