John F. Kennedy International Airport, or JFK Airport, is also known as New York Airport, even though four airports serve in total the city of New York. However, JFK is considered the main and leading airport of the “big apple city”, as well as one of the busiest USA airports. What...
John F. Kennedy International Airport, or JFK Airport, is also known as New York Airport, even though four airports serve in total the city of New York. However, JFK is considered the main and leading airport of the “big apple city”, as well as one of the busiest USA airports. What...
NewYork纽约(美国) Osaka大阪(日本) Oslo奥斯陆(挪威) PanamaCity巴拿马城(巴拿马) Papeete帕皮提(法属波利尼西亚) Paris巴黎(法国) Perth帕斯(澳大利亚) PortLouis路易港(毛里求斯) Reykjavik雷克雅未克(冰岛) Riodejanciro里约热内卢(巴西) Rome罗马(意大利) ...
从法兰克福国际机场(Frankfurt Airport)到梦想主城中心大酒店,交通十分便利。您可以选择搭乘机场快线(S-Bahn),在机场的火车站乘坐S8或S9线,约需15至20分钟即可抵达法兰克福市中心的中央火车站(Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof)。从中央火车站出发,步行约10分钟,便能轻松到达梦想主城中心大酒店,沿途您可以欣赏到城市的美丽风景。
About 50 miles north of New York City, Petra Island sits in the middle of magnificent Lake Mahopac. With its own helipad, the island is a 15-minute helicopter ride from Manhattan and less than five minutes from Westchester County Airport. You can also choose to reach the island by boat ...
丹佛国际机场门斯特套房酒店 (MainStay Suites Denver International Airport) 2.5等级(最高为5等级) 5980 Tower Road Building A, 丹佛国际机场, 丹佛(CO), 美国, 80249-查看地图 住宿提供免费 Wi-Fi 和免费停车服务,让您保持连通,并来去自如。 住宿位于丹佛(CO)丹佛国际机场的上佳位置,让您轻松探索热门景点和...
main Appartments Frankfurt Airport 民宿 星級評等3星 讚!今天有1人下訂 住宿亮點 距離大眾運輸860公尺 8.7地點超優 Mainstrasse 54, 克爾斯特爾巴赫, 克爾斯特爾巴赫, 黑森, 德國, 65451 停車服務免費 Citymuseum Kelsterbach200 mStadtcafe Kelsterbach830 mKelsterbach火車站860 m ...
来到纽汉姆区(Newham)的伦敦城机场(London City Airport),进入里面,任务提示“找到简”;里面都是狂尸鬼(Feral Ghoul),一路杀到二楼,用终端机打开候机楼的大门,往南进入候机厅,找到变成狂尸鬼(Feral Ghoul)的简·马什(Jane Marsh),发现她是个发光狂尸鬼(Feral Ghoul);然而,打她几枪后她就化为一团烟雾消失;...
Estimate taxi fares from/to the airport, hotels, bars, monuments or anywhere in New York.Looking for another city? How much does a taxi cost fromKing’S Theater Brooklynto888 Main Stin New York, NY, USA The price estimate for this ride is$ 63.05. ...