npm i free-mail-sender Or yarn add free-mail-sender Or pnpm i free-mail-sender Config To allow public use to the POST endpoint, go to: <URL>/admin/settings/users-permissions/roles/2 Pick Free-mail-sender selector and check the mailto box option Usage Examples Send an email: Using a...
Go to your node project folder and type npm install mailsender Use mailsender in your Node.js applicaton (copy&paste): var mailsender = require('mailsender'); mailsender .from('user', 'pass') .to('x@y.z') .body('subject', 'message') .send(); Sending HTML E-Mail 不是上面的...
mail sender nodemailer mail sender npm mail-sender backend-mail-sender nodejs-mail-sender frontend-mail-sender frontend reactjs prashant0664 •1.0.31•a year ago•0dependents•ISCpublished version1.0.31,a year ago0dependentslicensed under $ISC ...
$ npm install 您还需要使用您的凭据创建一个文件。 创建文本文件~/.credentials/inspermail ,第一行包含您的Insper电子邮件,第二行包含应用程序密码。 可以在以下位置生成密码应用程序: : 运行应用程序 在项目的根目录,执行: $ ./ 运行测试 目前只有后端有一些测试:( 输入backend文件夹并使用pip instal...
: EditorThemeClassName; // Applies only to list and list items that are not at the top level. nested?: { list?: EditorThemeClassName; listitem?: EditorThemeClassName; }; }; } Readme Keywords lexical editor rich-text listPackage Sidebar Install npm i @emailsenderlab/list Repository github...
This package contains helpers and nodes for wrapping content in marks for Lexical.. Latest version: 0.13.4-next.12, last published: 10 months ago. Start using @emailsenderlab/mark in your project by running `npm i @emailsenderlab/mark`. There is 1 other
npm install --save lexical @lexical/react Below is an example of a basic plain text editor usinglexicaland@lexical/react(try it yourself). import{$getRoot,$getSelection}from'@emailsenderlab/lexical';import{useEffect}from'react';import{LexicalComposer}from'./LexicalComposer';import{PlainTextPlugin...