The IRS has multiple delivery locations and courier services across the country to expedite pickup and delivery of mailed tax returns. Delivery Questions I sent my tax return with a trackable service. Why do I not see that it was delivered? Even with the assistance of technology, combined wi...
Checkissuing is very knowledgeable at printing and mailing documents for multiple industries. We have experience working with different billing systems, such as telecommunications, financial, medical, and an assortment of other businesses. Our team works with you to map your data to a customized forma...
How does an obligation to collect sales tax affect consumer and firm behavior? Journal of Marketing Research (in press). Anderson, E. T., Hansen, K., & Simester, D. (2009b). The option value of returns: Theory and empirical evidence. Marketing Science. doi:10.1287/mksc.1080.0430 ...
Defense-in-depth and its use of multiple diverse security mechanisms is in general a feature of sound security engineering. However, applying this general idea in the context of government infrastructures against identity theft this way is in my opinion horribly wrong and naive for a number of re...