dnsChallenge] provider = "your_dns_provider" delayBeforeCheck = 0 [[acme.domains]] main = "*.domain.tld"If the startup script does not find the appropriate SSL certificate and private key, look at the Traefik logs to see what's going on.docker logs -f mailserver [INFO] Search for ...
TLD Parent CheckGood. a.nsset.be, the parent server I interrogated, has information for your TLD. This is a good thing as there are some other domain extensions like "co.us" for example that are missing a direct check. Your nameservers are listedGood. The parent server a.nsset.be has...
The right DNS records also help designate your Linode as a legitimate mail server. In this section, you’ll learn how to set the appropriate MX, SPF, and PTR records for your domain and Linode. Time to Live (TTL) You should lower the Time to Live (TTL) on your existing DNS records ...
You can also check the mail logs on the server directly for specific error messages that can point in the right direction as to why messages are being rejected. Additionally, if you're still in the setup phase with your server, and not yet settled into a specific configuration, consider ch...
When you are scheduling a meeting with a group of people, it can be difficult to find a time that works for everyone. The MailEnable server can lookup and present to you a view of the free and busy status of all the attendees, so you can find a time slot where everyone is free, ...
Same GlueThe A records (the GLUE) got from the parent zone check are the same as the ones got from your nameservers. You have to make sure your parent server has the same NS records for your zone as you do according to the RFC. This tests only nameservers that are common at the ...
You can check the startup logs with this command :# docker logs -f mailserver [INFO] Let's encrypt live directory found [INFO] Using /etc/letsencrypt/live/mail.domain.tld folder [INFO] Creating DKIM keys for domain domain.tld [INFO] Database hostname found in /etc/hosts [INFO] ...
IntPtr& contextHandle, Boolean tryLockSession, String userDn, IList`1 dataIn, Int32 sizeInMegabytes, ArraySegment`1 auxIn, ArraySegment`1 auxOut, Int32& sizeAuxOut, ExecuteDelegate executeDelegate) at Microsoft.Exchange.Server.Storage.MapiDisp.MapiRpc.DoRpc(IExecutionDiagnostics executionDiagno...
There is no domain name assigned to the IP address of the email server you are using in the Domain Name Service (DNS). Solution: Add the missing DNS entry. 554 Bad DNS PTR resource record Problem: Email from your email server has been rejected because thePTR resource record(PTR-RR) of...
基于域名的白名单,根据客户端的IP地址进行DNS反向解析查询(PTR资源查询)结果如果在白名单列表内,jdmail将跳过基于IP的安全性检查。 基于域名的白名单処理需要做DNS查询,会导致SMTP会话延迟。请设计尽量减少登记数。 域名可以以点[.]开始。在这种情况下,您指定了该域的所有子域。