expression。 ReadReceiptRequestedexpression 表示MailItem 对象的变量。备注此属性对应于 PidTagReadReceiptRequested 的MAPI 属性。 已创建但尚未发送或发布的电子邮件项的读/写;已发送电子邮件项目的只读。另请参阅MailItem 对象支持和反馈有关于 Office VBA 或本文档的疑问或反馈? 请参阅 Office VBA 支持和反馈,...
Outlook) (MailItem.ReadReceiptRequested 屬性 文章 07/04/2023 6 位參與者 意見反映 在此文章 語法 註解 另請參閱 會傳回Boolean值,如果寄件者要求讀信回條則為True。 語法 expression。ReadReceiptRequested 表達代表MailItem 物件的變數。 註解 此屬性相當於 MAPI 屬性PidTagReadReceiptRequested。 已建立但尚未...
OutlookInternalVersion OutlookVersion Parent Permission PermissionService PermissionTemplateGuid PropertyAccessor ReadReceiptRequested ReceivedByEntryID ReceivedByName ReceivedOnBehalfOfEntryID ReceivedOnBehalfOfName ReceivedTime RecipientReassignmentProhibited Recipients ReminderOverrideDefault ReminderPlaySound ReminderSet ...
Request a security-enhanced receipt for outgoing signed e-mail messages. Require SUITEB algorithms for S/MIME operations Use only Suite-B algorithms for S/MIME operations. Required Certificate Authority Set the name of the required certification authority (CA). When a value is set, Outlook disallo...
IsReadReceiptRequested IsRecurring IsRecurring (CalendarEventDetails) IsReminderSet IsResend IsResponseRequested IsSigned IsSubmitted IsTeamTask IsTranscriptionEnabledInMailboxConfig IsUndecidedApprovalRequest IsUnmodified IsVisible IsVoicemail IsWorkTime IsWritable Item Item (UploadItemType) ItemAttachment Item...
Outlook 2019 Outlook 2016 Outlook 2013 Start emails quickly with Copilot in Outlook Save time preparing emails with Copilot as your drafting partner.Get startedGet a delivery or read receipt A delivery receipt tells you that an email message was delivered to the...
The ReadReceiptResponse parameter specifies how to respond to requests for read receipts for the user in Outlook on the web. You can use the following values: DoNotAutomaticallySend AlwaysSend NeverSend The default value is DoNotAutomaticallySend. Expand table Type: ReadReceiptResponse Position: ...
Legal Proof of Delivery Uncertain email delivery can cause disputes over “who said what when.” RMail’s Registered Receipt™ record eliminates that uncertainty by providing proof of your correspondence. Proof of Delivery, Time of Delivery, and Exact Content ...
protectionforOutlook®,OutlookExpress or WindowsMailemail clients on Windows-based desktops or laptops. 精密調整、功能先進的電子郵件保護方案,適合 Windows 桌上型電腦或筆記型電腦的Outlook®、OutlookExpress 或 WindowsMail電子郵件用戶端。
OutlookInternalVersion OutlookVersion Parent Permission PermissionService PermissionTemplateGuid PropertyAccessor ReadReceiptRequested ReceivedByEntryID ReceivedByName ReceivedOnBehalfOfEntryID ReceivedOnBehalfOfName ReceivedTime RecipientReassignmentProhibited Recipients ReminderOverrideDefault ReminderPlaySound ReminderSet...