A: We require no minimum order, but you will save on shipping per item by ordering more items. Q: When will you have a new plant ready for shipping? A: We will only ship plants that have been tested and are ready for distribution to the public. Stay tuned and we appreciate your pat...
Raintree Nursery offers quality nursery products. Order trees, plants, and supplies online now. Contact for fast-growing evergreen trees and fruit trees.
The article presents information on several nurseries in the U.S. Mesa Garden sells cactus and succulent plants. Lyndon Lyon Greenhouses has been hybridizing and selling African violets for more than 50 years. Hickory Mountain Plant Farm grows and sells over 200 types of hostas and 27 hardy ...
enjoy them immensely more if you would keep your politics to yourself which you often discuss in sarcastic tones. As I don't agree with them it takes a good bit of the pleasure away from the thought of buying your plants which are some of the most expensive sold be mail order nurseries...
Or Could I order the seeds like you specify in the magazine. Thank you very much for the information. I live in Reno. I did call this morning to ask but 3 nurseries have no idea what I am talking about. Please help.J.B. in NV 6/01 Dear Plant People,You were absolutely correct!
Software for gardeners, horticulturists, Master Gardeners, garden clubs, landscape professionals, herbalists, nurseries, seed exchanges, plant societies, botanical gardens, arboretum, florists.
E-mail us at info@weirddudesplantzoo.com 2010 CATALOGUE FOR BROWSING ONLY - NO ORDERS PLEASE "Awesome Plants" . . . our trademark, our identity & our philosophy! We are a small company with a big goal - to fix pipe dreams, one leak at a time. ...
PEEKSKILL NURSERIESPachysandra, Vinca Minor, Euonymus, Baltic and English IvySuppliers of the Finest Groundcovers for 80+ years! "A Good Source of Supply" Since 1937 Pachysandra Pachysandra The perfect all-around ground cover for those hard to plant shady areas where nothing else will grow. Pachy...
The article presents information on several nurseries in the U.S. Mesa Garden sells cactus and succulent plants. Lyndon Lyon Greenhouses has been hybridizing and selling African violets for more than 50 years. Hickory Mountain Pla...