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The UAW is urging the White House to go beyond gains in the tentative United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement in any free-trade agreement negotiated with Japan. more >> Worthington named Ford's VP of global product development operations The Ford executive is now responsible for leading the autom...
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Shri Goswami holds 5,000 equity shares in the Company in his own name and no share in the Company is held by him for any other person on a beneficial basis. By Order of the Board For JAIPRAKASH ASSOCIATES LIMITED Place: NOIDA Date: May 04, 2013 Harish K. Vaid Sr. President (...
“National Security Letters, secret tools for obtaining sensitive financial and telecommunications records, require only the say-so of an FBI field office chief.” This is not true. In 2007, a federal court ruled that the NSL (specifically the gag order preventing the target from being notified...