Microsoft Learn Catalog (Independent Publisher) Microsoft Loop Microsoft Partner Center Microsoft School Data Sync Microsoft School Data Sync V2 Microsoft Sentinel Microsoft Teams Microsoft Teams Virtual Events (inaktuell) [INAKTUELL] Microsoft To-Do (Business) Microsoft To-Do (Consumer) Microsoft Translat...
Microsoft Learn Catalog (Independent Publisher) Microsoft Loop Microsoft Partner Center Microsoft School Data Sync Microsoft School Data Sync V2 Microsoft Sentinel Microsoft Teams Microsoft Teams Virtual Events (deprecated) [VERALTET] Microsoft To-Do (Business) Microsoft To-Do (Consumer) Microsoft Translato...
Voor accounts waarbij Microsoft niet de e-mailprovider is (bijvoorbeeld Gmail, Yahoo, iCloud en niet-Microsoft IMAP- en POP-accounts), wordt het venster Account verwijderen weergegeven. Selecteer een optie om het account alleen van dit apparaat of van alle apparaten te verwijderen....
Dacă aveți Outlook instalat ca parte a Microsoft Office și setat ca aplicație de e-mail implicită, puteți trimite documentul ca atașare de e-mail. Dacă utilizați Excel, Publisher sau Word, puteți trimite fișierul și drept c...
To mail-enable a contact object, the Exchange Administrator must have the Exchange delegated role, Exchange View-Only Administrator (or higher) on the target administrative group. In addition, the Exchange Administrator must have Read and Write access to the following contact object attributes: ...
Microsoft Power Platform 和 Azure 逻辑应用连接器文档 连接器概览 自定义连接器 创建连接器 AI 插件(预览版) 预览版中的连接器常见问题解答 出站IP 地址 已知问题 提供反馈 连接器引用 所有连接器的列表 筛选器列表 }exghts gen. Document & more 10to8 Appointment Scheduling 1Me Corporate 1pt (Independent ...
Os percursos de cliente dispõem de múltiplos mecanismos que permitem definir horários para que possa direcionar os contactos na hora certa. Pode utilizar estes mecanismos para selecionar os dias e a janela de tempo durante os quais deve ocorrer uma ação (como enviar um e-mai...
We're no longer updating this content regularly. Check theMicrosoft Product Lifecyclefor information about how this product, service, technology, or API is supported. Return to main site Search E-Mail 2 Field, Contact Table Save Add to Collections ...
Gmail Mail Microsoft Mail (such as,,, and Feedback Previous: DirectMail Monitoring ServiceNext: Security Compliance ...
We're no longer updating this content regularly. Check theMicrosoft Product Lifecyclefor information about how this product, service, technology, or API is supported. Recommended Version Dismiss alert Search Contact Alt. Addr. Date Range Contact Alt. Address ...