( mahuangtang ) 别名:麻黄饮,杏甘汤,石膏麻桂汤,独味麻黄汤,麻黄羌活汤,麻黄散,葱豉汤 麻黄汤《伤寒论》 主治: 外感风寒。恶寒发热,头痛身疼,无汗而喘,舌苔薄白,脉浮紧。 处方: 麻黄(去节)6g 桂枝4g 杏仁(去皮尖)9g 甘草(炙)3g 用法用量: 上四味,以水九升,先煮麻黄减二升,去上沫,内诸药煮去...
您现在的位置:生物医药大词典 >> 通用词典 >> 词汇解释: Mahuang Tang【中医】 Mahuang Tang【中医】分享到: 麻黄汤分类: 科技词汇 | 查看相关文献(pubmed) | 免费全文文献 详细解释:以下为句子列表:分享到: 赞助商链接 你知道它的英文吗? ·马格诺镍锰电阻合金 ·马格诺利亚铅基轴承合金 ·马格纳斯...
( gancaomahuangtang ) 别名:麻黄汤,二物汤,麻甘汤,走马通圣散,麻黄甘草汤 甘草麻黄汤《金匮》 主治:里水,一身面目黄肿,其脉沉,小便不利。 处方:甘草2两,麻黄4两。 用法用量:麻黄汤(《千金翼》卷十九)、麻黄甘草汤(《三因》卷十四)、二物汤(《普济方》卷三八六)、麻甘汤(《医学入门》卷七)、走马...
mahuangtang 麻黄汤麻黄汤组成生麻黄 5克 麻黄汤的功效与作用开宣肺气,解表散寒。适用于外感风寒,症见恶寒发热,头痛鼻塞、无汗等。 麻黄汤用量用法趁热服用。 麻黄汤治法生麻黄以水煎汤。 麻黄汤相关方剂 麻黄汤 小儿风壅,痰实阻络,邪热头疼。 浮萍麻黄汤 疏风清热,消疹散邪。 射干麻黄汤 温肺化...
Ma Huang TangAsthmaTh1/Th2Th17 cellsAim Ma Huang Tang (Ephedra decoction, MHT) is a famous classical formula from Shang Han Lun by Zhang Zhongjing in the Han Dynasty. The anti-asthmatic effects of MHT and the possible mechanisms were tested. Method An asthma model was established by ...
1 xushui 372022-08 2 biaoyuqingzhebg 332022-08 3 shabghanjianzheng 242022-08 4 mahuang9jin 192022-08 5 mahuangtang 342022-08 6 guizhi d jiajieyingyong 202022-08 7 guizhitangjinji 402022-08 8 guizhitang 422022-08 9 bingchengd shijianjielv 402022-08 10 shanghanlun 382022-08 查看更多 ...
Xing Ren: Promoting the flow of the lung-Qi, aiding Ma Huang in relieving asthma. ZhiGan Cao: Tempering the actions of all the other ingredients. The Effect of Mahuang Tang Effect Relieving exterior syndrome by means of diaphoresis, facilitating the flow of the lung-Qi to relieve asthma. ...
Ma Huang Tang ameliorates bronchial asthma symptoms through the TLR9 pathwayJiayuan JiaoJiming WuJiali WangYaping GuoLe GaoHonggang LiangJian HuangJinhui Wang
Ma huang tang (MHT) is a traditional herbal medicine comprising six medicinal herbs and is used to treat influenza-like illness. However, the effects of MHT on inflammatory skin diseases have not been verified scientifically. We investigated determining the inhibitory effects of MHT against inflammati...