IvyError("Use a smaller batch size") for idx in range(0, dataset_size, batch_size): yield ivy.stack(images[idx : min(idx + batch_size, dataset_size)]), ivy.array( y_train[idx : min(idx + batch_size, dataset_size)] ) # helper function to get the number of current predictions...
As well as two intermediate hosts occurring in the Diphyllobothrium lifecycle (freshwater crustaceans and freshwater fish), and also paratenic hosts (freshwater fish), there is also a wide range of final hosts, including humans, meaning that there is a significant zoonotic reservoir (Chai, Murre...
There is a need to conduct focused follow-up studies to confirm the initial transcriptomic results with additional methods (e.g. dose-response assays) at an expanded range of oil concentrations in multiple fish species. Overall, the present study has provided valuable molecular resources for ...
The acute toxicity of Corexit 9500A exposure in ELS fish native to the Gulf of Mexico has been extensively studied. Corexit 9500A 10% effect concentrations (LC10) in ELS pelagic (mahi, Florida pompano, Trachinotus carolinus; Atlanta bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus) and estuarian (Cyprinodon varieg...
and are now consideredcosmopolitan. All black bass species are highly sought-aftergame fishand well known as strong fighters whenhooked, andbass fishingis an extremely popularoutdoor sportthroughout their native range.[4]Their meat is eaten, being quite edible and firm, although they are not reg...