Novotny J, Kubelkova J, Joseph V (2013). A multi-dimensional analysis of the impacts of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme: A tale from Tamil Nadu. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography; 34: 22-341.
Independence Dayon August 15 andGandhi Jayanti(Gandhi's birthday) on October 2. One might expect that Independence Day would be the biggest event but in reality, Republic Day is the biggest. Deepa explained
Gandhi faced a spiritual crisis, especially during his trip to South Africa, feeling burdened by clash of faiths. Gandhi wrote about his dilemma to Rajchandra whom he mentions as Raychandbhai in his autobiography,The Story Of My Experiments with Truth.Gandhi sent...
The study was undertaken in Madurai district of Tamil Nadu on the beneficiaries of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA). Majority (75%) of the respondents reported that with the wage from MGNREGA they were able to meet out their daily expenses only; they were not ...