He will be produced before the court later today, Senior Police Inspector Ravindra Shelke of Yerwada Police Station confirmed Mid Day 9 Mar 2025 2:00 pm Mumbai women pedaled towards fitness and equality on International Womens Day In celebration of International Womens Day, 25 women aged 13 to...
Superintendent of Police/ Deputy Commissioner of Police (Junior Management Grade) Additional Superintendent of Police / Deputy Commissioner of Police (Less than 10 years of service) Additional Superintendent of Police / Deputy Commissioner of Police (State Police Service) Assistant Superintendent of Police...
and the intervenor, the father of the deceased, grievance does not survive for consideration as the magistrate had closed the case. The state police had submitted an inquiry report before the magistrate concluding that the woman’s death had occurred...
This will also help state FDA to take timely action after FIR has been lodged at the police station and chargesheets are filed. The state drug regulator until now was not able to conduct a thorough investigation as weak provisions under IPC created a major deterrent. There was provision of ...
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