General Parliament (Lok Sabha) & State Legislative Assembly (Vidhan Sabha) IndiastatElections.comis a platform of socio-economic and electoral data products and services that includes all the 543 parliament and 4120 assembly constituencies, 640 districts, 5924 sub-districts, 7933 towns 640930 villages...
Information about Maharashtra General (Lok Sabha) election 2024 with elections date, poll schedule, parliamentary constituencies list, seats, major political parties, famous politicians and current sitting MPs.
Maharashtra Parliament constituency list details:- Lok Sabha, the lower house of the Parliament of India is made up of Members of Parliament (MPs). There are currently 543 constituencies.The maximum size of the Lok Sabha as outlined in the Constitution of ...
Lok Sabha polls with the motto of removing the BJP government from power. On Thursday, Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah called for clarity on the future of the INDIA bloc and suggested that the alliance should be called off if its purpose was limited to the 2024 Lok Sabha ...
GENERAL ELECTION TO VIDHAN SABHA TRENDS & RESULT OCT-2019Maharashtra Result Status Status Known For 288 out of 288 Constituencies Assembly Election Result 2014 Constituency Const. No. Leading Candidate Leading Party Trailing Candidate Trailing Party Margin Status Winning Candida...
The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s General Election – Table IN.GEA020: General Election: Loksabha: Election Outcome of Parliamentary Constituencies: Maharashtra. View India's Maharashtra: Bhiwandi: Polling Percentage from 1971 to 2019 in t...
Explore the first-of-its-kind set of our data-oriented publications to analyse forthcoming Vidhan Sabha and Lok Sabha Elections. Election Atlas of India A first-of-its-kind Election Atlas of India which depicts a journey of progression of parliament elections since independence in the form of im...
General Parliament (Lok Sabha) & State Legislative Assembly (Vidhan Sabha) IndiastatElections.comis a platform of socio-economic and electoral data products and services that includes all the 543 parliament and 4120 assembly constituencies, 640 districts, 5924 sub-districts, 7933 towns 640930 villages...
Party Wise, Constituency Wise Maharashtra Lok Sabha Election Result Live Updates, Maharashtra Lok Sabha election Result 2014, MAHARASHTRA general election result party wise, constituency wise, MAHARASHTRA election result 2014, Maharashtra Election Resul