Lok Sabha polls with the motto of removing the BJP government from power. On Thursday, Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah called for clarity on the future of the INDIA bloc and suggested that the alliance should be called off if its purpose was limited to the 2024 Lok Sabha ...
Information about Maharashtra General (Lok Sabha) election 2024 with elections date, poll schedule, parliamentary constituencies list, seats, major political parties, famous politicians and current sitting MPs.
The Public Service Commission and a State Selection Board select candidates for appointment to all state services. That process is carried out largely by means of competitive examinations. Britannica Quiz Discover India Health and welfare Scores of hospitals and clinics, including general hospitals, wome...
However, the party received only a small proportion of the nationwide vote (1.8 percent in 2004, which improved slightly to about 2 percent in 2009), and 45 of 46 candidates that the party put forward for seats in states other than Maharashtra lost in 2009. The party did slowly increase ...
The BJP, which faced a debacle in the state in the recently held Lok Sabha elections, focussed on social engineering while choosing the candidates for the Maharashtra Legislative Council (MLC), where the party hopes to get five seats based on its strength in the state Assembl...
Present on the stage were top MVA leaders, Congress state and central leaders, and the five INDIA bloc candidates who are contesting the polls in the first phase on April 19. On Sunday, Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge is scheduled to address a poll rally in Nagpur,...