Sohn, "Mahalanobis distance cross- correlation for illumination-invariant stereo matching," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., vol. 24, no. 11, pp. 1844-1859, Nov. 2014.KIM S;HAM B; KIM B;.Mahalanobis distance cross- correlation for illumination-invariant stereo matching.IEEE ...
A robust similarity measure called the Mahalanobis distance cross-correlation (MDCC) is proposed for illumination-invariant stereo matching, which uses a local color distribution within support windows. It is shown that the Mahalanobis distance between the color itself and the average color is preserved...
Computerized Record Linkage and Statistical Matching Dean H. Judson, in Encyclopedia of Social Measurement, 2005 Mathematical Relationships Each of the previously described techniques has common attributes. Mathematically, the techniques are similar in effect. The Mahalanobis distance function has two importan...
Nearest Neighbor, Radius, Coarsened Exact, Percentile Rank and Mahalanobis Distance Matching. It implements an efficient method for distance based matching like Mahalanobis matching preventing the quadratic increment of the runtime. Matched observations are marked individually allowing interactions between ...
matching stata radius nearest-neighbor euclidean percentile-rank mahalanobis counterfactual propensity-score coarsened-exact Updated Feb 16, 2021 Stata VictorCarreira / Mahalanobis Star 0 Code Issues Pull requests A mahalanobis distance program distance mahalanobis Updated Jan 25, 2018 Jupyter Notebo...
The paper introduces the notion of a mahalanobis distance map upon a point set with associated covariance matrices which in addition to providing correlation weighted distance implicitly provides a method for assigning correspondence during alignment. This distance map provides an easy formulation of the ...
We do not calculate distance between treated units, because we are matching between treatment groups, not within the same treatment group. Let’s define a function that can calculate MD for one pair of observation units. Then we can loop it over all pairs. The function is given below. Each...
A method/macro based on propensity score and Mahalanobis distance to reduce bias in treatment comparison in observational study A macro is developed to implement the matching algorithm; a growth hormone observational study is used as an example todemonstrate the bias before the match and percentage ...
The Mahalanobis distance is based on the covariance among variables in the feature vectors which are compared. It has the advantage of utilizing group means and variances for each variable and the problems of scale and correlation inherent in the Euclidean distance are no longer an issue. When ...