Li, and Q. Zhao, "Mahalanobis distance based on fuzzy clustering algorithm for image segmentation," Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal, vol. 43, pp. 8-16, 2015.X. Zhao et al., "Mahalanobis distance based on fuzzy clustering al- gorithm for image segmentation," Digital Signal ...
To begin with, the Mahalanobis-Kernel Distance combined with the absolute attribute of possibilistic memberships is proposed to enhance the intra-class compactness of small targets with sparse distribution and feature imbalance. In addition, to overcome the inherent coincident clustering problem caused by...
clustering algorithm,it combines Mahalanobis distance with the K-means and adds a variable weighting factor and a regulating factor of covariance matrix to each class in the objective function.Using the advantage of Mahalanobis distance,it effectively solves the shortcomings of K-means clustering ...
st: Mahalanobis Distance and Clustering From: "Dan Weitzenfeld" <[email protected]> Prev by Date: Re: st: Re: XTMixed / Repeated Measures Next by Date: Re: st: Re: XTMixed / Repeated Measures Previous by thread: st: Mahalanobis Distance and Clustering Next by thread: st: Data ...∗FeipingNieChangshuiZhangTsinghuaNationalL
When the surface is too complex to be neatly partitioned into two clearly disjoint surfaces, the use of the Mahalanobis distance metric can produce an imbalanced partitioning. Here one can use a hybrid strategy: first try a k-means clustering based on the Mahalanobis metric, and if that ...
learningforitsmerits.AMahalanobisdistancebasedfuzzyincrementalclusteringlearningalgorithmisproposed.Experimentalresultsshow thealgorithmcannotonlyeffectivelyremedythedefectinfuzzyc-meansalgorithmbutalsoincreasetrainingaccuracy. Keywords Fuzzyc·meanscluster Mahalanobisdistance ...
From"Dan Weitzenfeld" <> Subjectst: Mahalanobis Distance and Clustering DateFri, 2 Jan 2009 14:54:45 -0800 Follow-Ups: st: R: Mahalanobis Distance and Clustering From:"Carlo Lazzaro" <>...
1) Mahalanobis Distance 马氏距离 1. Computer Program Based on theMahalanobis Distancefor Image Division of Lichee Pictures; 基于马氏距离的荔枝图像分割设计方法 2. Mahalanobis distance algorithm to separate objective picture based on color characteristic and color clustering; ...
programming[15,16].Yang et al.presented a Bayesian framework in which a posterior distribution for the distance metric is estimated from the labeled pairwise constraints [40].Kumar et al.used the rel-ative comparisons to develop a new clustering algorithm in a semi-supervised clustering setting ...