Maha Chemicals (Asia) Pte Ltd 联系电话 0577-0000000 粉体圈认证,请放心拨打! 推荐产品 更多 公司简介 表面工艺:油漆和涂料、油墨、建材、胶粘剂、整理),,生活科学:保健食品、健康、Agro、生态、工程材料:塑料、橡胶、金属、复合材料、工业润滑油、解决方案:在自动化测试服务 ...
Maha Chemicals Asia founded in 1975 is one of the foremost brands with a strong focus in sustainable solutions and services in the specialty chemicals and…
Maha Chemicals Asia, founded in 1975, is one of the foremost brand name in solutions and specialty chemicals distribution in Southeast Asia.With the headquarter based in Singapore, we provide a wide range of solutions with a deep understanding of custo..
华曙携手MahaChem布局新加坡增材制造市场 2020年12月3日,中国长沙和新加坡——华曙高科正式宣布与东南亚高端工业设备领导者Maha Chemicals (Asia) Pte Ltd(以下简称Maha)达成合作,深度布局新加坡增材制造市场。Maha在高端产业化解决方案、特种工业材料和增材制造领域有着数十年的丰富行业经验。此次与华曙强强联手,旨在为...
Maha Asia is a leading specialty distributor of chemicals and equipment in Southeast Asia. Explore our wide range of high-quality products and solutions!