how to plot the magnitude and phase spectrum of... Learn more about phase, magnitude, result, signal, fourier, time series MATLAB
Estimators of The Magnitude-Squared Spectrum and Methods for Incorporating SNR Uncertainty.Estimators of the Magnitude-Squared Spectrum and Methods for Incorporating SNR UncertaintyApparatus and method for controlling the magnitude spectrum of acoustically combined signalsTHE MINIMUM PHASE SIGNAL DERIVED FROM ...
Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal ProcessingHUNG, Jeih-weih, FAN, Hao-teng, et TU, Wen-hsiang. Enhancing the magnitude spectrum of speech features for robust speech recognition. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2012, vol. 2012, no 1, p. 1-20....
We present a new speech model for speech enhancement, which is based on statistical models of magnitude-normalized complex spectra of speech signals. Most popular speech enhancement techniques work in the spectrum space, but the large variation of speech strength, even from the same speaker, makes...
A flat curve in the Spectrum Analyzer would indicate a flat magnitude frequency response of the DUT. 若频谱分析仪显示 的曲线是水平的,就表示被测设备的 幅频响 应是 平坦 的。 The curve in the Spectrum Analyzer indicates the magnitude frequency response of the DUT. ...
In this paper, the problem of reconstructing discrete signal from its partial sample points and Fourier transform magnitude is converted into a typical combinatorial optimization problem, and a recently proposed effective optimization algorithm, Simulated Annealing method, is utilized to tackle this problem...
A single-cell transcriptomic analysis of whole spleens from mice receiving HA/IVAX-1 confirmed the polarization seen by immunological methods, with additional insights into the spectrum of effects of IVAX-1 during a virus neutralizing response....
A controversial technical discussion is raised whether WiMAX or LTE is the most promising 4G technology. Since LTE and WIMAX as 4G systems have both adopted OFDM as the preferred physical technology for better spectrum efficiency, the RF parts of those systems have to face major challenges. Hence...
The frequencyfcat which the curve that represents the Fourier amplitude spectrum of a recorded seismic signal abruptly changes its slope (see Fig. 5). For earthquakes, this frequency is related to the fault size, rupture velocity, rupture duration, and stress drop at the source. Also, the freq...
A new binary mask is introduced for improving speech intelligibility based on magnitude spectrum constraints. The proposed binary mask is designed to retain time-frequency (T-F) units of the mixture signal satisfying a magnitude constraint while discarding T-F units violating the constraint. Motivated...