Studies investigating the epidemiology of substance use among individuals with mental illness. Data required for analysis were collected using an independent data extraction format developed in Microsoft Excel. The key elements included in the extraction format for each area were the first author, country...
Although much progress has been made in the field of BPV in the past decade, the low EET activity of cyanobacteria remains a limitation. The EET activity of cyanobacteria, both in the dark and under illumination, is markedly lower compared with that of mineral-reducing, electricity-generating ba...
In studies with temporal replication, we found a detectable effect of alterations to the direction of flow magnitude, the presence of other flow components, sampling methods, season, and fish life stage. However, we found no detectable effect of these moderators for studies with spatial replication...
Alterations to flow, such as those caused by hydroelectricity production, can disrupt these natural processes and result in a variety of environmental and species responses [2]. Understanding how these alterations impact fluvial systems is important for water resource and fisheries management. The ...
Biodiversity of Vegetable Crops, A Living HeritageBiofuels and Sustainable DevelopmentBiofuels, Food Security, and Accompanying Environmental ConcernsC and N Cycling and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in AgroecosystemClimate and Agriculture—International Conference on Technological Advances in Climate-Smart Agriculture ...
InfluencesAdolescents’ Psychological Well-Being in Contemporary Contexts: The Role of the Parental Characteristics and RelationshipsAdvanced Treatment and Care Management in Dementia: From Bench to BedsideAdvancements and Challenges in Contemporary Endodontics: A Call for Evidence-Based Practice and Enhanced ...