(Minerals) a black magnetic mineral, found in igneous and metamorphic rocks and as a separate deposit. It is a source of iron. Composition: iron oxide. Formula: Fe3O4. Crystal structure: cubic magnetiticadj Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCol...
Mineralpedia ShowsBiotite series with Magnetite#PD34678 SOLDBiotite series with Magnetite #PD34678 Sold Add to Favorites Details Data Provenance Resources Sold Availability Sold Size 5 x 4 x 3.5 cm - Miniature Formula Unavailable Locality Faraday mine, Hastings Co., Ontario, Canada Phyllosilicate...
Phenakite, sometimes also spelled Phenacite, is a rare beryllium silicate mineral with the chemical formula Be₂SiO₄. Phenakite is prized for its crystal clarity, brilliance, and hardness, making it a sought-after for mineral collectors, metaphysical enthusiasts, and those in the gem trade....
Magnetite is a black, cubic iron oxide of chemical formula Fe3O4belonging to the spinel group. It is the most magneticmineralon Earth. The formula of magnetite may also be written as (Fe2+Fe3+[Fe3+O4]), which indicates the occurrence of two iron ions having different valences that occu...
Chemical Formula:Fe2+Fe3+2O4 Locality:Many localities and environments world wide. Name Origin:Named for Magnes, a Geek shepherd, who discovered the mineral on Mt, Ida, He noted that the nails of his shoe and the iron ferrule of his staff clung to a rock. ...
Chemical Formula: Fe3O4, Iron Oxide Class:Oxides and Hydroxides Group:Spinel Uses: Major ore of iron and as mineral specimens Specimens Magnetiteis a natural magnet, hence the name, giving it a very nice distinguishing characteristic. Explaining the magnetism is not easy but here is a go at...
Magnetiteis a ferrimagnetic mineral with chemical formula Fe3O4, one of several iron oxides and a member of the spinel group. The chemical IUPAC name is iron(II,III) oxide and the common chemical nameferrous-ferric oxide. The formula for magnetite may also be written as FeO·Fe2O3, whic...
Synonyms Magnetic iron ore Definition Magnetite is a black, cubic iron oxide of chemical formula Fe 3 O 4 belonging to the spinel group. It is the most magnetic mineral on Earth. The formula of magnetite may also be written as (Fe 2+ Fe 2 3+ O 4 ), which indicates the occurrence ...
Iron oxide in the form of the mineral magnetite is naturally magnetic. As a result, it can stick to a metal and a magnet. Magnetite is common in various geographical environments. Magnetite prices vary according to demand, quality, crystal structure, physical characteristics, and mining costs. ...