Chemical Formula: Fe3O4, Iron Oxide Class:Oxides and Hydroxides Group:Spinel Uses: Major ore of iron and as mineral specimens Specimens Magnetiteis a natural magnet, hence the name, giving it a very nice distinguishing characteristic. Explaining the magnetism is not easy but here is a go at...
Phenakite, sometimes also spelled Phenacite, is a rare beryllium silicate mineral with the chemical formula Be₂SiO₄. Phenakite is prized for its crystal clarity, brilliance, and hardness, making it a sought-after for mineral collectors, metaphysical enthusiasts, and those in the gem trade....
Magnetite’s chemical formula is Fe2+Fe3+2O4. READ:Is Gallium Magnetic? (Answered) Physical Properties It has a metallic shine and a built-in magnetic. The Mohs hardness range for magnetite is 5.5–6.5. When reflected in the sun, it appears black-gray with a brownish tint. ...
Magnetite is a black, cubic iron oxide of chemical formula Fe3O4belonging to the spinel group. It is the most magneticmineralon Earth. The formula of magnetite may also be written as (Fe2+Fe3+[Fe3+O4]), which indicates the occurrence of two iron ions having different valences that occu...
Magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) are of great interest for their wide applications in biomedical applications, such as bioimaging, antitumoral therapies, regenerative medicine, and drug delivery. The work aimed to obtain biocompatible magnetite nanoparticles coated with amino acids of the general formula Fe...
Magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) are of great interest for their wide applications in biomedical applications, such as bioimaging, antitumoral therapies, regenerative medicine, and drug delivery. The work aimed to obtain biocompatible magnetite nanoparticles coated with amino acids of the general formula Fe...
Formula Unavailable Locality Faraday mine, Hastings Co., Ontario, Canada Phyllosilicate - Monoclinic - Mica group member. Ordinary (True or Common) Mica - Trioctahderal. For more information on Mica minerals and other phyllosilicates please reference our article - Click Here. An interesting specimen...
The generalized formula for titanomagnetites is usually given by the relation xFe2TiO4(1-x)Fe3O4 or the equivalent Fe3-xTixO4, where x (0 < x≤ 1) is the composition parameter giving the fraction of ulvöspinel represented at the point in the series or the mole fraction of Ti4+....
X-ray microprobe analysis showed that Ti was the most significant substituent, and that these grains could be described with the titanomagnetite formula Fe3xTixO4, which falls between endmember magnetite (x=0) and ulvspinel (x=1). The dominant composition was determined to be x=0.15 by ...