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avefront sensor and then transfered into the computer system. In the experimental evaluation, the mirror was supposed to produce a desired conical surface shape that was set to emulate an axicon. FFiigguurree 1111.. SSnnaappsshhoott ooff tthhee eexxppeerriimmeennttaall sseettuupp.. ...
Reducing Motion-Induced Noise with Mechanically Resonant Coil Sensor in a Rigid Helicopter Transient Electromagnetic System. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 2020, 67, 2391–2401. [CrossRef] 18. Legault, J.M.; Lymburner, J.; Ralph, K.; Wood, P.; Orta, M.; Prikhodko, A.; Bournas, N. ...
+65-6303-6670 Academic Editor: Dan Zhang Received: 30 June 2016; Accepted: 9 August 2016; Published: 12 August 2016 Abstract: In this paper, a novel magnetic field-based sensing system employing statistically optimized concurrent multiple sensor outputs for precise field-position association and loc...
A typical type of sensor is the noncontact eddy current position probe. AMB position sensors have conveniently been utilized for online health monitoring [17]. In addition, real-time knowledge of rotor position and coil current can be used to determine bearing forces that can be used to ...
describe the physical concepts of various sensor types used to detect magnetic labels in the application field of magnetic biosensors [28]. The biocompatibility of magnetic substrates is discussed as well in this paper. This overview shows that various methods and tools are available nowadays, but ...