To reveal the reason why the TMR ratio peaked at a specific range of nanoscale spacer thicknesses, the dependency of the static magnetization behavior of double MgO based p-MTJ spin-valves on the spacer thickness and spacer material was investigated by measuring the magnetic moment vs. magnetic ...
Manipulating magnetic materials and structures with light elements such as hydrogen or oxygen is an effective way to tailor their properties in field-free conditions. For instance, hydrogen absorption has been used to alter magnetic properties in thin films, including magnetic moment25, exchange couplin...
The appearance of a toroidal moment is observed in the magnetoelectric Cr 2 O 3 in a strong magnetic field above the spin-flop transition field. This conclusion is based on the experimentally established fact that the off-diagonal components of the magnetoelectric susceptibility tensor of Cr 2 O...
One of the basic properties of a magnetic dipole is the magnetic moment. The magnetic moment has its origin primarily in the spinning of the electron about its own axis. The magnetic moment is a measure of the strength of the magnetic field associated with the electron. Each discrete energy ...
Parra, R., Cable, J.: Neutron study of magnetic-moment distribution in Ni-Pt alloys. Phys. Rev. B. 21, 5494 (1980) Article ADS Google Scholar Marian, V.: Ferromagnetic Curie points and the absolute saturation of some nickel alloys. Ann. Phys. 7, 459–527 (1937) Article Google Scho...
timescale, with moment of inertia along the spin axis, I_{zz}=I_{33}, greater than the moments of inertia along the equatorial axes, I_{11}=I_{22}, since rotation and poloidal field (both deriving oblate configurations) dominate over the toroidal field (deriving prolate configurations)....
Electron magnetic resonance occurs when an electromagnetic wave of suitable frequency (usually in the microwave region) interacts with the sample immersed in an applied magnetic field and causes the inversion of the spin (and thus of the magnetic moment) of the unpaired electrons so that a certain...
When fitted with a Curie-Weiss law, the paramagnetic region of the χ(T) vs. T plot leads to the Curie-Weiss temperature θ and the effective magnetic moment μ 展开 关键词: Nonequivalent magnetic ions Curie-Weiss temperature Mean field theory Spin exchange parameters Density functional theory ...
In future work, it might be most important to include defect-induced changes of the size of the magnetic moment into the calculation. Also, the consideration of magnetic materials other than pure iron will be relevant, in particular alloys.Data...
This could be responsible for the reduction of magnetization thereby decreasing the magnetic moment of the spins. In addition, the high coercivity (Hc) of SLFO was estimated to be changing from 490 to 820 G with dopant. This can be an indication for the hard ferrite nature of SLFO. ...