magnetic field(磁场)即H,你可以理解为真空中的磁场强度;而magnetic induction(磁感应/磁感应强度)...
magnetic field(磁场)即H,你可以理解为真空中的磁场强度;而magnetic induction(磁感应/磁感应强度)...
magnetic field is equal to the magnetic field and the magnetic field induced (magnetization vector and call it). Since B said total, has considered the M induced magnetization, is called B for magnetic induction; H from the field, it is called the magnetic field strength; M H magnetiz...
磁场强度与磁感应强度(Magnetic field intensity and magnetic induction intensity) 磁场强度与磁感应强度(Magnetic field intensity and magnetic induction intensity) The relationship between B and H is called "math", but it is the only one that I can see without any fundamental mistakes on the internet...
Once we know the equation of state, Maxwell's equations deliver all macroscopic properties of the magnetic solid, in particular, the spatial distribution of magnetic field and induction.doi:10.1007/978-3-662-04271-7_1Laurent-PatrickLévySpringer Berlin Heidelberg...
其中B是磁感应强度(magnetic flux density),单位是\frac{Vs}{m^2}=T,特斯拉。 这里是叉乘(内积)的意思,叉乘的大小是两个量的大小乘积乘以sin夹角:a\times b=\left| a \right|\left| b \right| sin(\theta)。 方向由右手定则定义方向一定与a和b都垂直: ...
近场磁感应(Near Field Magnetic Induction, NFMI)是一种近距离无线技术,通过在设备间耦合一个紧密低功耗且非传播的磁场进行通信。在一个设备中的发射器线圈调制一个电磁场,可以通过在另一个设备中的接收器线圈测量到该电磁场。 近场磁感应通信系统与其他无线通信的不同之处在于,大多数传统的无线射频系统使用天线来...
Physics Magnetic field and induction and induced emf Parts in the pictures: Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: Part 5: Show transcribed image text This question hasn't been solved yet! Not what you’re looking for? Submit your question to a ...
The meaning of MAGNETIC INDUCTION is induction of magnetism in a body when it is in a magnetic field or in the magnetic flux set up by a magnetomotive force —symbol B.
近场磁感应(Near Field Magnetic Induction, NFMI)是一种近距离无线技术,通过在设备间耦合一个紧密低功耗且非传播的磁场进行通信。在一个设备中的发射器线圈调制一个电磁场,可以通过在另一个设备中的接收器线圈测量到该电磁场。 近场磁感应通信系统与其他无线通信的不同之处在于,大多数传统的无线射频系统使用天线来...