The basic assumption of infinite electrical con- ductivity translates into imposing a null electric field in the fluid comoving frame at any time, implying a zero relax- ation time and, therefore, hidden causality problems. This issue calls for the future addition of resistive effects into the ...
Generally, the adsorption process of the contaminants across the surface mesopores toward the interior of the microspheres involves the capillary force and diffusion effect,. [47]. There are many factors affecting the adsorption capacity, among which density and viscosity of the impurities are two ...
MRI is used to detect the nucleus of hydrogen (H+) in the water molecules as present in the body. Protons are positively charged subatomic particles that are constantly rotating along their axis. The rotational movement of protons in an atom gives rise to a quantum-mechanic ...
In current obstetric practice, preterm labour is mainly diagnosed by the presence of regular painful uterine contractions accompanied by cervical dilatation or effacement before 37 weeks of gestation. However, the sen- sitivity and specificity of these signs are low in most cases, and this can ...
Complexity — MACS requires knowledge and practice to carry out, and mistakes can be costly. MACS is also limited by its specialized equipment. BACS only requires an isolation kit and a gentle mix in the sample container. The microbubble platform is inherently flexi...
the turbulent motion is described by a system of non-linear integral equations for the spectral density Ikω and the Green's function Γkω describing the response of the system to an external force. As the coupling between the oscillations decreases, this system of equations goes over into th...
The trial protocol (Supplement 1) was approved by the Regional Committees on Health Research Ethics and the Danish Data Protection Agency and was carried out in compliance with the Declaration of Helsinki and the International Conference on Harmonization Guidelines for Good Clinical Practice. All ...
We agree with the expert committee Practice Guidelines7 for the modest eGFR cutoff of 60 mL/min/1.73 m2. To date, elevated cardiac troponin has been considered the sine qua non for myocardial infarction. Recently, we have demonstrated an association between cardiac troponins and ...
In practice, they exhibit enhanced catalytic properties in synthesis and in situ characterization methods of ultra-small metal clusters. Understandably, the stability of the molecular architectures and their electronic configuration is seen as a very important in the study of the ground state of ...
In use of a magnetic toner, the magnetic force contained in the developing sleeve should be made weaker as a measure to prevent the aforementioned problems from occurring. In this manner, a magnetic binding force applied to the magnetic toner on the developing sleeve can be weak so that the ...