attraction,attractive force- the force by which one object attracts another electromagnetism- magnetism produced by an electric current; "electromagnetism was discovered when it was observed that a copper wire carrying an electric current can magnetize pieces of iron or steel near it" ...
Now, N = nV, where n is the number of charge carriers per unit volume and V is the volume of wire in the field. Noting that V = Al, where A is the cross-sectional area of the wire, then the force on the wire is F = (qvdB sin θ) (nAl). Gathering terms,...
Note that the magnetic force of the electromagnetic brake may cause stuck iron powder or effects on measuring instruments, sensors or other devices. 在电磁制动器附近,由于磁力的作 用而 可能导致铁粉等的附着, 以及对检测装置、传感器、设备类造成影响,敬请注意。 Another decisiv...
The region surrounding the magnet in which the force of the magnet can be felt is called the extent of themagnetic field. Its SI unit is Tesla and it is named after the American Scientist Nikola Tesla. Gauss is the smaller unit of themagnetic field. Magnetic field lines generally originate ...
2 This phase difference can be calculated in terms of frequency shift from the following equation29: δ=Δfcs/ω where Δfcs is the difference in resonant frequencies between fat and water protons, which is 3.5 ppm, and δ is the difference in precessional frequencies (220 Hz at 1.5 T). ...
Magnetic force microscopy(MFM) was introduced shortly after the invention of theatomic force microscopy(AFM) (Martin and Wickramasinghe, 1987). The operation principle of MFM is the same as in AFM. Here atappingcantilever equipped with a special (magnetically coated) tip is first scanned over the...
Define magnetic flux. magnetic flux synonyms, magnetic flux pronunciation, magnetic flux translation, English dictionary definition of magnetic flux. n. A measure of the quantity of magnetism, being the total number of magnetic lines of force passing thr
There are several issues that current HDD technology faces in terms of performance, scalability, cost, and complexity of manufacturing. The two prevalent approaches to overcome or delay these limits include bit-patterned media (BPM) or discrete track media (DTM) and energy-assisted magnetic ...
After the breakthrough works of Gell-Mann [1] and Zweig [2] in 1964, hadrons can be classified into two groups in terms of their valence quarks and antiquarks: quark-antiquark\((q {\bar{q}})\)configuration as mesons and three-quark configuration (qqq) as baryons. This classification...
In the current work, we describe two methods for calculating the total magnetic force on a representative heterogeneous domain subject to a non-trivial magnetic field. What we call the weak method, allows for a rapid determination of the overall magnetic force, with the possibility to isolate sin...