Its SI unit is weber (tesla/m2tesla/m2) while the CGS unit is maxwell. It is calculated by the formula = B(Acos θ). Where B is the magnetic field and A is the area through which magnetic flux is passing. According to this formula, the flux is maximum when the area is parallel t...
The symbol of the magnetic flux is "Φ" and the unit is Weber (Wb). Magnetic flux is a physical quantity that represents the distribution of a magnetic field and is a scalar quantity. If there are two magnetic fluxes in opposite directions across a plane, then the magnetic flux in the ...
(General Physics) a measure of the strength of a magnetic field over a given area perpendicular to it, equal to the product of the area and the magnetic flux density through it. Symbol:φ Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991...
Related to magnetic flux density:magnetic field strength,magnetic field intensity magnetic flux density n.SymbolB The amount of magnetic flux through a unit area taken perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic flux. Also calledmagnetic induction. ...
eFunda: Glossary: Units: Magnetic Flux: Tesla Square Meter eFunda Glossary for Units, Category:Magnetic Flux, Unit name: Tesla Square Meter, Unit Symbol: Tm^2. eFunda: Glossary: Units: Magnetic Field Strength: Gauss eFunda Glossary for Units, Category:Magnetic Field Strength, Unit name: Gaus...
Absolute Maximum Ratings CharacteristicsSymbolRatingUnit Supply Voltage (Max)VCC5.5V Supply Voltage (Min)VCC2.3V 产品特性 项目符号条件数值单位 Magnetic Flux Density (Operating Point) (Typ.)|BON|-3.4mT Magnetic Flux Density (Releasing Point) (Typ.)|BOFF|-2.0mT ...
Permeability:Refers to a materials ability to attract and conduct magnetic lines of flux. The more conductive a material is to magnetic fields, the higher its permeability. Oersted:A unit (symbol Oe) of magnetic field strength. It is equal to a force of one dyne acting upon a unit magnetic...
Electric field intensity E is defined as the electric force experienced by a unit positive charge in an electric field: (1.3)E=Fq Symbol q in the equation is the quantity of charge on the test charge experiencing the force. F is the force experienced by the test charge. Electric flux dens...
Field Flux-- The quantity of total field effect, or "substance" of the field. Analogous to electric current. Field Intensity-- The amount of field force (mmf) distributed over the length of the electromagnet. Sometimes referred to asMagnetizing Force. ...
where BB is the magnetic flux density vector, HH is the magnetic field intensity vector, VV is the scalar magnetic potential, and ii , jj , kk represent the three unit vectors in the xx -direction, yy -direction and zz -direction; ∇∇ is Hamiltonian, the subscript of V,xV,x repre...