This work reviews a method for coil SNR model development employing an equivalent electric circuit and applies it for circular and square loop design. Coil inductance and resistance were analitically calculated by taking into account for the conductors cross-geometry and the magnetic field pattern was...
A “square” loop is desirable in order to form a very narrow transition. 2. dHh/dx or the write field gradient, generated by magnetic head. A very steep field profile and the highest possible gradient are required to write a good transition 3. dHd/dx or demagnetization field gradient. ...
Magnetic field sensors will be placed on the cube randomly and we will generate training and validation data by using Biot–Savart law for circular current loop(s). In the next section, we will give the analytical expression of the three dimensional magnetic field vector of a single circular ...
We tested four different field treatments: sole magnetic and electric field exposure, a combination of both and a control without altered field exposure. We show that the 20 kHz square wave electric field was largely homogenous, while the static 0.2 T magnetic field was not. We found that ...
The structure and dynamics of the solar corona is dominated by the magnetic field. In most areas in the corona magnetic forces are so dominant that all non-magnetic forces like plasma pressure gradient and gravity can be neglected in the lowest order. This model assumption is called the force...
We have developed a thin-film magnetic field probe that has spatial resolution high enough to obtain the absolute value of high-frequency power current on an LSI chip. Spatial resolution was enhanced by miniaturizing the shielded loop coil, the detection part of the probe. The outer size of ...
Around the critical temperature TC=150 MeV, the positive deviation from 1/3 is proportional to the square of the magnetic field strength, which agrees with the result from the non-relativistic coalescence model. Including the anomalous magnetic moments for quarks will modify the dynamical masses of...
As the magnetic field scales with the geometry of the bearing, the absolute lift of the bearing will increase as the size of the bearing is increased. However, the relative stiffness, which is the gradient of the force with respect to the size of the bearing remains constant. This argument...
5c. In this zero-field cross-sectional equilibrium magnetisation configuration, mx was considered as 0.57, where mx is the ratio of magnetic remanence over magnetic saturation. This is comparable with the BH loop measurements for the high-pressure film. The µʺ...
The exchange-coupled H/S ferrite composites are promising materials in this field owing to their high electrical resistivity, great corrosion resistance, enhanced Curie temperature, and economic synthesis [202]. The size, shape, and distribution of grains, as well as the exchange and dipolar ...