Here I investigate the relation between ×lt;igt;lt;bgt;Blt;/bgt;lt;/igt; and lt;igt;lt;bgt;Jlt;/bgt;lt;/igt; in the same terms and by the same method as previously applied to the MHD relation between the electric field and the plasma bulk flow vmv2001: assume that one but not...
The paper offers a systematic discussion of several possible mechanisms capable of supporting significant electric field strengths along the magnetic field in the magnetosphere. One of the first mechanisms invoked has been anomalous resistivity. The potential role of anomalous resistivity in space plasmas...
This chapter discusses the principles of magnetic field of electric current. Electric currents create magnetic fields. This discovery by Oersted has been described quantitatively in two distinct ways: (1) Biot and Savart proposed a relation in differential form that is somewhat analogous to a ...
目录 收起 一些电和磁的相爱相杀 安培环路定律(Ampère‘s Law – Relation between electric currents and magnetic fields) 安培定律的补充:麦克斯韦方程 因为马上考试,最近几天会尽快把内容码完。 一些电和磁的相爱相杀 电和磁其实是一对相爱相杀的欢喜冤家,横向对比阴阳,性质不同但有各种相似性,相互促进...
This work is based on the variational principle for magnetic field lines introduced in 1983 by Cary and Littlejohn. The action principles for magnetic fiel Digression: The naming of the field variables The field vectors do not have universally accepted names attached to them. Thus E is referred to variously as the ‘electric field strength,’ the ‘electric field intensity’ (or ‘electric intensity,’ in brief), or simply, the ‘electr...
What happens to the electron’s moving charge, in the moment you break the electron’s permanent magnetic field? Will you get two smaller moving charges? Magnetic fields are infinitely scalable, there is no smallest unit. As Magnetic and Electric are conjugate, there is likely also no smallest...
Applied electric fields align the molecules. The resulting charge displacement reduces the electric field in the material and modifies fields in the vicinity of the dielectric. There are corresponding magnetic field effects in paramagnetic and ferromagnetic materials. These materials contribute to magnetic ...
centre of the circular loop, magnetic field lines become straight lines. At every point of a loop, the concentric circles representing the magnetic field around it would become larger and larger as we move away from the loop. The strength increases as we go closer to the centre of the loop...