Define North Magnetic Pole. North Magnetic Pole synonyms, North Magnetic Pole pronunciation, North Magnetic Pole translation, English dictionary definition of North Magnetic Pole. n. The northern pole of the earth's magnetic field, currently located in t
Quiz Course 18Kviews Lesson Summary Earth's magnetic fieldis a geomagnetic field that starts in the core of the Earth, emanating out into space forming a magnetosphere. Earth has a forcefield that surrounds the atmosphere, emanating from its core which basically makes the Earth one giant magnet...
Understand what a magnetic field is. Learn the definition of magnetic field lines and understand how one can detect magnetic field lines using a...
Related to magnetic flux:magnetic flux density,Magnetic field density magnetic flux n. A measure of the quantity of magnetism, being the total number of magnetic lines of force passing through a specified area in a magnetic field. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edi...
Quiz Course 50K views Magnetic Field Equation The magnitude of magnetic field equation is derived from Ampere-Maxwell law where there are three formations of the magnetic field magnitude depending on the electric current arrangement. In the case of an electric current passing through a wire, the...
Explain the characteristics of a magnetic field Appreciate how a different element can stick to a magnet You are viewing quiz1 in chapter 7 of the course: CLEP Natural Sciences Study Guide and Exam Prep Course Practice 25chapters |217quizzes ...
magnetic field strength,magnetic intensity,magnetic induction field intensity,field strength- the vector sum of all the forces exerted by an electrical or magnetic field (on a unit mass or unit charge or unit magnetic pole) at a given point in the field ...
Magnetic permeability is influenced by the magnetic flux intensity and strength of the magnetizing field. Factors such as the nature of the material, temperature, and frequency of force applied may also affect the magnetic permeability of the material. How do you calculate magnetic permeability? Magne...
Quiz Course 18K views Motional EMF How exactly does electromagnetic induction occur? A moving magnetic field creates an ever-changing gradient of positive and negative charges outside of the charged coil. This outer gradient causes the charges within the coil to move in response: positive charg...
Lesson Quiz Course 23Kviews Technological Applications of Magnetic Forces There are many real-life uses of magnets, some of which might seem pretty minor, while others are a really big deal. One of the bigger and more impressive uses is in MRI scanners. An MRI machine is essentially a gigan...