Morón.A method for calculating the magnetic field produced by a coil of any shape[J]. Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical .2001(1)GARCIA A,CARRASCO J A,SOTO J F,et al.A method for calculating the magnetic field produced by a coil of any shape[J].Sensors and Actuators A,2001,91:230...
A technique has been developed for measuring magnetisation in very high magnetic fields (up to 90 T) produced by single-turn coils. The system is applied for measurements of high-field magnetisation of magnetic substances in a wide temperature range from room temperature down to 4.2 K. In a ...
The invention relates to a coil for producing a magnetic field having at least one winding (), which is manufactured from a superconductor, is cast into a plastic and whose winding end () which is arranged at the circumference () of the winding () is used for making contact with an elec...
17a)Themagneticfieldgeneratedbythefull-pitchcoil 5.3.1MagnetomotiveForceofSingle-phaseWindingb)WavefunctionofmagnetomotiveforceforfullpitchcoilFig.4-11Themagnetomotiveforceofsingle-phasecoil 185.3.2The(Pulsating)MagnetomotiveForceofaSingle-phaseWindingUnderCosineCurrentExcitation19Fig.4-13Thefundamentalpulsatingmag...
coil n.[C] 1.缠成许多圈的绳子等 2.环,圈 3.线圈 4.骚动 v.[T]盘绕,卷 magnetic adj. 1.像磁铁的,有磁性的 2.磁的,磁性的 3.富有吸引力的,有魅力的 Field n. 域 vt. 使上场 vi. 担任场外队员 a. 田间的,野生的,领域,田地,场地,战场,场 field n. 1.[C] 原野;田地;牧场 2. 运...
Diamagnetic substance are repelled by the magnetic field. The body of the frog behaves like a diamagnetic substance, hence the smallest magnetic field placed below the body of the frog will be strong enough to lift it.
The magnetic flux density field (called, henceforth, “magnetic field,” for the sake of simplicity) generated by a saddle coil system is numerically calculated in the whole space and experimentally tested in two different spatial planes. The uniformity of the magnetic field is studied using Taylor...
The invention relates to a method for manufacturing a coil for generating an intense magnetic field when an electric current passes through it, comprising the formation of turns in a cylindrical tube made of conducting or superconducting material, the formation of at least one indentation in an edg...
7 A magnetic field of flux dens 1ty4.0*10^(-3)Tpas ses through a coil of wire, at an angle of55° to the plane of the coil. The coil has an are a of 2.5 × 10-3m2.Calculate the magnetic flux through the coil. B55°☐A5.7*10^(-6)Wb□ 8.2*10^(-6)Wb□ C 1.0 × 10...
themagnetic field at the centre of a circular coilappears to be straight line. The strength of the magnetic field decreases with an increase in distance from the loop. We have also discussed the factors affecting the magnetic field produced by a current carrying circular loop and some interesting...