Venusmulti-fluid MHD modelsThis review surveys the observations of the ionospheric magnetic fields of Venus as observed on the Pioneer Venus Orbiter and the models that have been developed to describe them over the last decade. The models for the 'large-scale' ionospheric field have developed to...
IF Venus had a magnetic field, it would at inferior conjunctions influence the corpuscular streams from the sun to the earth. We should expect a variation, probably a decrease, of the corpuscular intensity, which could reflect itself in the international daily magnetic character figures....
Venus, while Earth's twin in many ways, lacks such a strong intrinsic magnetic field, but perhaps short period fluctuations can still be used to probe the electrical conductivity of the interior. Toward the end of the Venus Express mission, an aerobraking campaign took the spacecraft below ...
Venus (PlanetCurrent DensityPioneer Venus 1 SpacecraftThe magnetic flux ropes of Venus are small scale (ion gyroradius) cylindrically symmetric structures observed in situby the Pioneer Venus orbiter in the largely magnetic field-free ionosphere of the......
The magnetic field was then determined using a two‐dimensional kinematic dynamo model of the ionosphere of Venus. The magnetic field attains a maximum strength of about 5 nT at a solar zenith angle of about 120°. This magnetic field might act as a "seed" field for magnetic flux ropes ...
(General Physics)physicsa small round magnetic domain induced by a magnetic field in a thin film of magnetic material, used in certain types of computer memories Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 20...
Guicking, L, Glassmeier K-H, Auster H-U, Delva M, Motschmann U, Narita Y, Zhang TL (2010) Low-frequency magnetic field fluctuations in Venus solar wind interaction region: Venus Express observation. Ann Geophys 28: 951–967.Guicking, L., K.-H. Glassmeier, H.-U. Auster, M. ...
Strong ultraviolet radiation from the Sun ionizes the upper atmosphere of Venus, creating a dense ionosphere on the dayside of the planet. In contrast to Earth, the ionosphere of Venus is not protected against the solar wind by a magnetic field. However, the interaction between charged ionospheri...
An estimate of the strength of the magnetic field of Venus met with difficulties.doi:10.1038/196462a0HOUTGAST, J.VAN SLUITERS, A.Nature Publishing Group UKNature
Venus Express magnetometer and low-energy particle detector revealed magnetic field and plasma behavior in the near-Venus wake that is symptomatic of magnetic reconnection, a process that occurs in Earth';s magnetotail but is not expected in the magnetotail of a nonmagnetized planet such as Venus....