themagnetic field at the centre of a circular coilappears to be straight line. The strength of the magnetic field decreases with an increase in distance from the loop. We have also discussed the factors affecting the magnetic field produced by a current carrying circular loop and some interesting...
Magnetic field, a vector field in the neighborhood of a magnet, electric current, or changing electric field, in which magnetic forces are observable. Magnetic fields such as that of Earth cause magnetic compass needles and other permanent magnets to lin
A perpendicular magnetic field that is generated by the parallel magnets generates a greater increase in the conductivity of horizontal electrodes. Figure 2 Comparison of the conductivity for horizontal platinum electrodes in various configurations of magnetic field. (a) Charging voltage vs. current ...
The magnetic circuit uses three NdFeB magnets connected by two magnetic yokes in series, which produces an enhanced magnetic flux density on the power line. Consequently, more AC magnetic field energy from the current-carrying power line can be converted into electrical energy using the ...
The strength of the magnetic field generated by a current is not uniform; it varies with distance from the wire: Near the Wire: The magnetic field is most intense close to the carrying conductor. Here, the field lines are densely packed, indicating a stronger magnetic effect. ...
Here, we demonstrate zero-field current-induced switching of the perpendicular magnetization of a Co layer that is indirectly coupled with a CoFe layer via a Ta spacer. The weak interlayer coupling exhibited by Ta allows the layer thickness to be relatively small (≈0.5 nm), enabling ...
magnets (A1, A2), each assembly includes a north pole (N) and a south pole (S) which are oppositely mounted, so that flux lines generated by the assemblies are moved away. The poles are symmetrically arranged on both sides of a symmetry plane (Sy) and are remote from each other for ...
(TEM, JEM-ARM200F, JEOL) with a probe aberration corrector. The magnetic domain structure was observed using a TEM (Talos F200S, FEI) with differential phase contrast (DPC) mode. The elemental distribution was characterized by high-angle annular dark-field detector (HAADF) and energy ...
8d and Supplementary Movie 13, the robot was guided by the magnetic field generated by a permanent magnet to form a hook in situ in the porcine stomach with dimensions larger than the diameter of the cardia, which can be used as a surgical tool. Following in vivo experiments, the upper ...
We have characterized current-free double layers in argon plasmas, and we find that they are generated at the position where the plasma expands into the main chamber. Further, the effect of shaping the magnetic field from an expanding one to a mirror shaped field by means of the downstream ...