UNITS,LENGTH=MM 然后,我们定义磁通密度单位。使用“UNITS”命令,我们可以指定磁通密度的单位。例如,如果我们想要使用特斯拉作为磁通密度的单位,可以执行以下命令: UNITS,BFIELD=T 现在,我们已经在APDL中定义了磁通密度的单位。接下来,我们可以使用这些单位来进行磁场问题的分析。在APDL中,我们可以使用不同的命令和函数来...
(Units) the cgs unit of magnetic flux density; the flux density that will induce an emf of 1 abvolt (10–8 volt) per centimetre in a wire moving across the field at a velocity of 1 centimetre per second. 1 gauss is equivalent to 10–4 tesla Collins English Dictionary – Complete and...
磁学单位转换表 Magnetic Units Conversion Table A. TABLE OF CONVERSIONS UNITS FOR MAGNETIC PROPERTIES Conversion Quantity Symbol Gaussian & cgs emu a factor, C b SI & rationalized mks c Magnetic flux density,B gauss (G) d10-4tesla (T), Wb/m2 magnetic induction Magnetic fluxφmaxwell (Mx)...
What is the SI Unit of magnetic field? The International System (SI) unit of magnetic fields is Tesla (T). Apart from the SI system, the B-field in Gaussian-cgs system is measured with the unit gauss (G).
(Units) the cgs unit of magnetic flux density; the flux density that will induce an emf of 1 abvolt (10–8volt) per centimetre in a wire moving across the field at a velocity of 1 centimetre per second. 1 gauss is equivalent to 10–4tesla ...
The Magnetic Flux Density is explained here. It is basically proportional to the magnetic field by the medium/material constant permeability (mu). The units are Webers/meter^2.
1c] of the PL variation, (IB − I0)/I0, where IB (I0) is the brightness extracted from composite PL maps with (without) a magnetic field, B, applied along the horizontal in-plane direction (see Methods). Fig. 1 Identification of field-dependent quantum emitters. a Optical ...
Magnetic Field Strength The strength of an electric field is defined in terms of the force that is exerted on a charged particle in that field. We use the same procedure for defining the strength of a magnetic field. But there is an important difference between the two cases. A stationary ...
Magnetic flux density: tesla (T) for SI; gauss (G) for CGS Another vector magnitude interesting in magnetic theory is magnetic field intensity, symbolized by H. It can be defined as the magnetic field created by a current circulating though a conductor but independently of the surrounding mater...
determine the energy transfer between the solar wind and Earth's magnetosphere have been proposed, the simplest of which is the dawn-to-dusk electric field,VxBz(Burton et al., 1975); more complex ones involve the IMF clock angle (Akasofu, 1981) the plasmaβand solar wind density (Borovsky...