A science fair project Twelve Fundamentals of MagnetismNEW! Conventions Magnetic Flux, Wb Solenoid Flux Density, B Magnetomotive Force, MMF Magnetic Field Intensity, H Hysteresis, B-H Curve Permeability, µ Magnetic Domains and Saturation
Modelling, Optimization and Analysis of Segmented Stator Flux Switching Linear Hybrid Excited Machine for Electric Power Train. IEEE Trans. Transp. Electrif. 2022, 8, 3546–3553. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Xiao, F.; Liu, X.; Du, Y.; Shi, K.; Xu, P. A C-core linear flux-...
Energies 2019, 12, 4695 18 of 19 Funding: This work was supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China under Grant KYLX16_0208 and the Science and Technology Project of State Grid Corporation of China (52094017000Y). Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare...
Acknowledgments: This work was supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China (51301181 and 41406092), Tianjin Key Research Program of Application Foundation and Advanced Technology (Grant No. 15JCZDJC39700), Tianjin Science and Technology correspondent project (16JCTPJC51400), Innovation ...