磁力链接和 BT 种子的搜索引擎{Magnet & Torrent} 系统功能和用到的技术。 系统包括几个独立的部分: 使用Python 的Scrapy框架开发的网络爬虫,用来爬取磁力链接和种子; 使用PHP CI 框架开发的简易网站; 搜索引擎目前直接使用的 MySQL,将来可以考虑使用 sphinx; ...
磁力链接和 BT 种子的搜索引擎. Contribute to zoommt/magnet-and-torrent-search-engine development by creating an account on GitHub.
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Find a torrent file: To download a torrent, you’ll first need to find a torrent file. You can do this by using a search engine or by visiting a torrent site. Use a reputable site to avoid downloading malware or illegal content. ...
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Magnetico: A Personal Torrent Search Engine That Can’t Be Shut Down April 9, 2017, 15:41 by Andy Maxwell Piracy Torrent-less Pirate Bay Sees Massive Drop in Bandwith March 8, 2012, 21:04 by Ernesto Van der Sar Piracy The Pirate Bay, Now Without Torrents February 28, 2012,...