1425–75;late Middle English<Medieval Latin Discover More Example Sentences The Samsung-distributed Magna Carta Holy Grail vs. the corporate-bashing Yeezus. FromThe Daily Beast Not in terms of units moved but humans moved has Yeezus blown ARTPOP and Magna Carta Holy Grail out of the water. ...
Magna Carta (redirected fromCarta Magna) Thesaurus Legal Encyclopedia Mag·na Car·ta orMag·na Char·ta(măg′nə kär′tə) n. The charter that King John of England issued in 1215 at the behest of his barons, recognizing the right of persons to certain basic liberties, such as ...
a writing, a charter," from Latincharta"leaf of paper, a writing, tablet," from Greekkhartēs"layer of papyrus," which is probably from Egyptian. The form has been influenced by Italian cognatecarta"paper, leaf of paper." Comparechart(n.). The shift in English from-tto-dis unexplained....
The meaning of MAGNA CARTA is a charter of liberties to which the English barons forced King John to give his assent in June 1215 at Runnymede.
TheMagnaCarta 何琳李梦莹 ABriefIntroduction MagnaCarta,alsocalledMagnaCartaLibertatumorTheGreatCharteroftheLibertiesofEngland,isanAngevincharter,originallyissuedinLatinintheyear1215,translatedintovernacular-Frenchasearlyas1219,andreissuedlaterinthe13thcenturyinmodifiedversions.Thelaterversionsexcludedthemostdirect...
In 2007, the 1297 version of the Magna Carta was sold in an auction for $21.3 million. The original Magna Carta was in Latin The 1215 version of the Magna Carta was in Latin language and was later on translated to English for the common man to understand. Why Magna Carta Day is Import...
解析:Magna Carta or Magna Charta [Lat.,=great charter], the most famous document of British constitutional history, issued by King John at Runnymede under pulsion from the barons and the church in June, 1215.The Reasons for Its Granting Charters of liberties had previously been ...
TheMagna Carta, also known as the Great Charter to the Liberties of England, is a document originally issued in Latin in the year 1215. The Great Charter is truly great, because it was the first legal document to establish that leaders did not have arbitrary power, granted under Divine Auth...
"Magna Carta" wasLatinfor "Great Charter". It is also seen spelled occasionally as "Magna Charta", although this wasn't the spelling used in the script of "Court Martial". According to theStar Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 2, p. 11, this "great charter' of liberties [was] signed...
Translated from Latin. Preamble: John, by the grace of God, king of England, lord of Ireland, duke of Normandy and Aquitaine, and count of Anjou, to the archbishop, bishops, abbots, earls, barons, justiciaries, foresters, sheriffs, stewards, servants, and to all his bailiffs and liege ...