But, of course, it could also be expelled from the magma itself as it cooled. Ali, naravno, takođe bi mogli nastati od same magme dok se ona hladila. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Then magma, I suppose, is Mother Nature. A magma, pretpostavljam, je majka priroda? OpenSubtitles2018....
The large amount of gas expelled into the atmosphere during volcanic eruptions (i.e. volcanic outgassing) is the most obvious display of magmatic volatile release. However, owing to the large intrusive:extrusive ratio, and considering the paucity of volatiles left in intrusive rocks after final ...
The worst volcano known to man A volcano is defined as a mountain or hill that usually has a cup like crater at the summit. A volcano can be compared to a vent in the earths crust through which lava, ashes and steam are expelled (Volcano, n.d.). There are three main types of volc...
thick column of this melt is required to form each of these chromitite layers. Therefore, an enormous volume of melt appears to have been involved in the generation of all the Bushveld chromitite layers, with half of this melt being expelled from the magma chamber. We suggest that the existen...
These observa- tions, although qualitative, suggest that the observed vis- cous deformation did not have much effect on the extent to which late-stage liquids were expelled from Lower Main Zone cumulates. Cawthorn and Walsh (1988) argue that the amount of interstitial liquid in UZ in the ...
There is no mineralogic evidence for this abundance of magmatic OH in the Hu- sereau dike, and one may speculate that it was expelled during solidification as a HzO-rich vapor phase. Some of this HzO-rich vapor might have been consumed in the pervasive conversion of magmatic peric1ase in...
In this case, Si- or S-rich cores are likely to be saturated with carbon, and expelled carbon would therefore partition into the mantle (Li et al., 2016). If most of the carbon was delivered to the Earth after the core formed, the isotopic composition of carbon in the Earth's mantle...
The magma expelled from the fissure is olivine- and plagioclase-bearing mildly alkali basalt that exhibits uniform and rather primitive whole-rock composition. This event provides a rare opportunity to assess deep magmatic processes in Iceland. Melt inclusions (MIs) hosted in olivine phenocrysts were...
Magma degassing fundamentally controls the Earth's volatile cycles. The large amount of gas expelled into the atmosphere during volcanic eruptions (i.e., volcanic outgassing) is the most obvious display of magmatic volatile release. However, owing to the large intrusive:extrusive ratio, and ...
with bedding-parallel pyroxenite sheets that merge with discordant pyroxenite dykes, suggesting that they are bedding-parallel melt segregation veins that fed residual melt into fault-guided conduits, allowing expelled pore melt to be evacuated efficiently from within the thick pile of compacting cumulate...