43from Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica and Vulcanologia soon revealed that the vented gases were among the most magmatic (CO2-rich) ever detected, and that the gas output escalation was also accompanied by shallow long period seismicity and, for...
2.Tugu, compagnie d'assurance, avait établi une police pour l'un des projets géothermiques de Magma en Indonésie. Tugu是一家保险,它签发了保险单给Magma在印度尼西亚一个地热项目保险。 3.La lettre de Tugu, en fait, était une contre-proposition et pas une acceptation de l'offre de Magma...
FrenchVolcan végétal : Station de contrôle 1/2/3/4[?]Deep Magma Bog: Monitoring station 1/2/3/4 GermanMagma-Tiefen Observatorium 1/2/3/4[?]Deep Magma Bog Observatory 1/2/3/4 ItalianForesta Magmascuro: Osservatorio 1/2/3/4[?]Deep Magma Bog: Observatory 1/2/3/4 ...
The processes observed at Stromboli are likely common to other persistently active basaltic volcanoes (e.g., Etna, Italy;47 Volcan de Fuego, Guatemala;48 Kilauea, Hawaii49) that show similar sudden shifts from mild Strombolian explosions to violent paroxysms. Stromboli’s post-2019 activity, charac...
(eds) Volcan de Colima: managing the threat. Springer, Berlin. Le Cloarec, M.F. and Gauthier, P.J., 2003. Merapi Volcano, Central Java, Indonesia: A case study of radionuclide behavior in volcanic gases and its implications for magma dynamics at andesitic volcanoes. Journal of Geophysical ...
Son article est un magma grandiloquent.他的 一种内容浮夸的大杂烩。 近义、反义、派生词典 近义词: macédoine,masse,mélange,méli-mélo,tohu-bohu, tohu,bouillie 联想词 volcan火山;volcanique火山的;liquide液态的,液体的;roche岩;gonflement肿胀;lave火山熔岩;éruption迸出;flot波浪;amas堆;chaos混沌;roche...
5.À la suite de l'éruption d'un puits, Magma, se fondant sur la police d'assurance, a réclamé à Tugu de couvrir 12,5 millions de dollars de pertes. 在发生井喷后,Magma公司根据该保险单向Tugu公司索赔1 250万美元损失。 6.Tugu a rétorqué que la limite de la police était de 2,...
Son article est un magma grandiloquent.他的文章是一种内容浮夸的大杂烩。 近义、反义、派生词典 近义词: macédoine,masse,mélange,méli-mélo,tohu-bohu, tohu,bouillie 联想词 volcan山;volcanique山的;liquide液态的,液体的;roche岩;gonflement肿胀;lave山熔岩;éruption迸出;flot波浪;amas堆;chaos混沌;roche...
Metrics Abstract Semisopochnoi Island is a remote and little-studied volcanic island in the western part of the Aleutian Arc. The existence of several active volcanic centers and a 5000–7000-year-old large caldera makes this island an important site for volcanic hazard assessment in the Northern...
(ƒO2 ~ NNO + 0.6), a cylindrical 2.5 mm OD core of unfractured, inclusion-free Brazilian quartz was loaded into the capsule to trap fluid inclusions. After 5 days at elevated pressure and temperature (i.e. when fluid and melt had equilibrated) the quartz was fractured in ...