IN THE MAGISTRATES COURT OF VICTORIA AT MELBOURNE WORKCOVER DIVISION Case No.E12319780 SHANNON LEWIS Plaintiff v INFOSYS TECHNOThe defendant by way of a Further Amended Notice of Defence alleges that Mr Lewis was employed by the defendant (formerly known as Expert Information Services Pty Ltd) ...
Thirdly, even if the name of the specific suspects were unknown, the occupants of a particular residence(s) should have been used. I therefore, submit that that affidavit was too vague to hold up in any court of law. It fell short of the standards and information that should be included ...
MAGISTRATESCOURTofWESTERNAUSTRALIA(CIVILJURISDICTION)MINORCASECLAIMFORM4 Casenumber:Datelodged: Claimant Name: Address: Postcode: Defendant Name: Address: Postcode: SeePARTCforinformation CLAIMANT’SADDRESSFORSERVICE Amountofclaim: Tick[]appropriateboxandinsertaddressdetailsbelow:Residentialorprincipalplaceofbusiness...