Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook Legal Wikipedia mag′istrate's court` n. 1.a court having jurisdiction over minor civil and criminal matters. 2.police court. [1865–70] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyri...
If you bring a dead case to court magistrates are not the Christ, they cannot resuscitate a dead case. Prosecutors always walk into court unprepared hoping the court to assist them in bolstering their cases. The prosecutor and the police attempted to exert influence on a judicial proceeding. S...
aThere are two criminal trial courts (courts of original jurisdic-tion,or\" courts of first instance\") in England and Wales all criminal cases are heard in one of these two, the magistrates\' court lor the Crown Court.Lord Justice Auld, in his Review of the Criminal Courts of Englan...
Tap here The government has had to act quickly on prison overcrowding since it came into power as the estate was on the brink of reaching capacity. More on Labour Minister Tulip Siddiq caught up in Bangladesh court anti-corruption probe Who could be the next London ...
Thecourtsare open to anyone and our reporters attend just like any other member of the public. As most people have jobs and cannot spend their time in court, the media has always acted as the eyes and ears of the public to ensure that justice is seen to be done. ...
aThe other federal courts are the Federal Court of Australia, the Family Court of Australia and the Federal Magistrates Court of Australia. 其他联邦法庭是澳洲的联邦法庭,澳洲的家事法庭和澳洲的联邦地方法院。[translate]
(xianqin先秦, up to 221 BC) era. Treaties from the various schools of thought often clari-fied their points of view through brief explanatory anecdotes, calledyuyan寓言(“entrusted words”; this word would later come to mean “parables”), stylisticallyquite close to proper jokes, and often ...