The motivation is offered by the European Court of Human Rights in the case Vasilescu vs. Romania.Alistar,VictorActa Universitatis Danubius Juridica
It is the mission of the Oconee County Summary Court to strive for excellent customer service and to treat all parties appearing before the court with the highest degree of respect and courtesy. Should you feel that we have failed in this regard, please contact the office of Chief Magistrate...
Special Topic: Procedural Rules and Practices Grounding the Decisions of the Constitutional Court of Romania The current status of the prosecutor in Romania is without doubt a composite: the status of a magistrate and of an executive agent at the same time. First ... SM Teodoroiu,M Safta - ...
The article presents a court case in which U.S. Magistrate Judge John D. Love rejected a summary judgment to the Kilgore Independent School District (KISD) and the coaching staff of its softball team. In Wyatt v. KISD, Barbara Wyatt filed a case against the defendants on behalf of her da...
and a false case was registered against them, but they were subsequently released on bail by the NegomboMagistrateCourt. 同一天,夫妻俩被逮捕,登记了一个虚假案件,但 俩人随后被尼甘布治安法院保释释放。
Perhaps for a different kind of sageuk (say, one more politically inclined, or set at court) this kind of resolution is laughably simple, but it felt just right for this drama, which isn’t about those things. It’s more about how these machinations mean for our hero and how our good...
appear at a second status conference on June 26, 2017, at which the magistrate judge told him, “any future failures to meet court-imposed deadlines, given the history of this case, will result in a recommendation that he be held in default. Mr. Dorvilier, do you understand me?” PI’...
the Court of First Instance instead of to a magistrate as in the case of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571), which [...] (a) 鑒於競委會進行的調查或會涉及機密或商 業敏感資料,條例草案建議就發出手令採納 較高的門檻,即須向原訟法庭法官而...
Introduction It will no doubt be said, by some observers anyhow, that I can’t quite make up my mind. It will be said by others that I have adopted as my motto “the dwarves are for the dwarves,” and have taken to shooting both Calormene soldiersandhorses. And a third g...