作者长期跟进wsa版本,利用git action脚本部署带Magisk和GoogleApps的安装包,目前版本是WSA2203.40000.1....
Magisk on WSA (with Google Apps) ⚠️Magisk on WSA will no longer be available after March 5, 2025.Learn more. ⚠️For fork developers: Please don't build using GitHub Actions, as GitHub will count your forked GitHub Actions usage against this upstream repository, which may cause thi...
If you previously have a MagiskOnWSA installation, it will automatically uninstall the previous whilepreserving all userdataand install the new one, so don't worry about your data. If you have an official WSA installation, you should uninstall it first. (In case you want to preserve your data...
http://pan.baifan97.cn/Aliyun/WSA-Win11-with-Magisk%E3%80%81GApps 3.在开始菜单打开终端管理员...
接下来我们在 Ubuntu 中进行 WSA 安装包编译 输入以下命令,将项目克隆至本地: git clone https://github.com/LSPosed/MagiskOnWSALocal 输入以下命令,跳转到项目目录 cd MagiskOnWSALocal 输入以下命令,执行安装脚本 scripts/run.sh 在接下来的步骤中,MoWL提供了一个用户友好的图形界面,我们可以通过方向键选择需要...
本项目基于 MagiskOnWSA 与 WSAPatch,使用 Github Actions 自动构建 WSA,整合 Magisk、Google Apps 并...
本月早些时候,这个项目因违反 GitHub Actions 服务条款而被封禁。所幸开发者很快上线了脱离 GitHub Actions 依赖的本地版本MagiskOnWSALocal(以下简称 MoWL)。借助这个项目,我们依然可以手动配置一份内置 Google 服务和 Magisk 框架的 WSA 安装包。 因为安装打包脚本主要转为本地运行,MoWL 的配置和使用流程相比此前更...
本月早些时候,这个项目因违反 GitHub Actions 服务条款而被封禁。所幸开发者很快上线了脱离 GitHub Actions 依赖的本地版本MagiskOnWSALocal(以下简称 MoWL)。借助这个项目,我们依然可以手动配置一份内置 Google 服务和 Magisk 框架的 WSA 安装包。 因为安装打包脚本主要转为本地运行,MoWL 的配置和使用流程相比此前更...
GPay GMS Patch: Make Google Pay Work on Rooted Android with Waydroid Extras Script Install Magisk on WSA with Google Apps (Windows Subsystem for Android) Fix Magisk SafetyNet Issues with Universal SafetyNet Fix How to install Magisk on Android Emulator ...
Magisk: The most famous root solution on Android The Open GApps Project: One of the most famous Google Apps packages solution WSA-Kernel-SUandkernel-assisted-superuser: The kernelsufor debugging Magisk Integration WSAGAScript: The first GApps integration script for WSA ...