~/Desktop » adb remount /system/bin/sh: remount: inaccessible or not found 那这个可能是系统中没有remount可执行文件,我这边没有遇到过。 如果只是放置证书,其实可以使用magisk 模块https://github.com/NVISOsecurity/MagiskTrustUserCerts, 若是修改其他文件,可以写个类似magisk模块进行修改 查看是缺少 SEL...
ID: 1, Output: /system/bin/sh: <stdin>[5]: busybox: inaccessible or not found ID: 1, Output: mount: no such tool ID: 1, Output: '/dev/root' is read-only ID: 1, Output: mount: no such tool ID: 1, Output: '/dev/root' is read-only Command 1 finished. Some tools fails ...
今天换ROM 又不行了,日志里面找不到文件,提示v2ray/run日志 /data/adb/modules/v2ray/scripts/v2ray.service[135]: /system/bin/v2ray: inaccessible or not found 我文件位置应该没有放错吧?xcl199f commented Apr 8, 2020 最新的版本更新了下载的命令,修复了此问题。 好像不行我刷了面具20.4还是下载一...
Downgrading to 25.2 has fixed the issue for me. Platform is Motorola G7 Plus (lake) running lineageOS 20. vvb2060addedwontfixNot going to fix itnot our issueThis issue is caused by third-party like customized rom or moduleand removedneeds investigationReason of this issue is yet unkownlabels...
"Failed to spawn: unable to access zygote while preparing for app launch; try disabling Magisk Hide in case it is active" Magisk hide is disabled yet this still doesn't work. Any ideas? Checked all other issues and they do not work. ...
Problem description termux tsu fails by running tsu command after updating to latest magisk canary Steps to reproduce update to latest magisk reboot run tsu command on termux Expected behavior switch to su while preserving termux env Add...