Has to be the worst service I have encompassed in years If you want plenty of hassle and aggravation this company is for you. Have waited hours for customer chat and for call backs by people that have no idea of the product.Have been disconnected while being switched to different departments...
OpenPhone gives you the liberty of setting yourbusiness hoursanddo not disturb mode. You also getdedicated customer supportunder OpenPhone accompanied by key integrations withemail, Slack, and Zapier. You canport your number from magicJackdirectly by submitting the request, and OpenPhone will ensure t...
No phone support – chat only customer service Involving another device (computer, modem or router) sometimes causes technical issues Calls are disconnected after 2 hours requiring you to call the person back Sale magicJack, New 2024 VOIP Phone... ...
No phone support – chat only customer service Involving another device (computer, modem or router) sometimes causes technical issues Calls are disconnected after 2 hours requiring you to call the person back Sale magicJack, New 2024 VOIP Phone... ...
Their online purchase systems are a real nightmare! Too many bugs. You will need to spend hours with their live chat / support teams. Jun 8, 2016 byBig DonTheVoIPHub It's Great First of all, I have had the MJ sense about 2008 or 2009. My first one went out 2 or 3 years after...
Spent hours troubleshooting with Technician doing test but could never get the ringer to work. The Technician said he'd make notes to my account. No suggested solution. The good news is I changed ring time to 5 sec and my message "This is our names and magic jack is not working please...