A free lightweight 8-bit voxel editor and interactive path tracing renderer, made with love by @ephtracy. Available for PC and MAC. This is where it all begins This tiny light-weighted software is the core of voxelart, since it is capable of many things : just edit, paint and move you...
MagicaVoxel 可以将我们建立好的 3D 模型导出为业界普遍使用的 3D 文件格式。我们点击右侧「文件」下方的 Export 即可导出为我们想要的文件。 将渲染之后的模型导出 在预览界面下方的「相机」也可以将我们当前看到的渲染预览直接导出为图片,方便我们将模型直接在社交平台上面进行分享。 总的来说,基本的「建立模型 - ...
同样在 Render 渲染界面,我们还可以设置模型的构造为 Lego、黏土、MineCraft 等等,非常漂亮 等等…… 利用MagicaVoxel 我们可以制作出效果非常精美、有着优秀设计的 3D 素材,不仅可以作为展示效果、模型建立,还能直接用于像素风格的游戏制作之中。MagicaVoxel 渲染出来的模型可以直接导入 Unity 等游戏引擎之中,制作游戏素...
I already made a voxel slicer so I have a good bead on WW format, and aside from MV having odd cube sections of canvas as opposed to one unified canvas, the format doesn't look hard. The only difficult part as mentioned in the palette conversion, though there too a simple lookup table...
Make sure that once you made these changes, you apply them to the model.Scroll down to the bottom, and click “Apply”. The last setting is found in the “Materials” tab. But we’ll get more into it in this next step. Step 6. Make Material with Col...
I made a fork of the Visual Effect Graph to be able to use more than 16 contexts since it's not possible to use per-particle sub-mesh mask. The modification is in the file "com.unity.visualeffectgraph@12.1.7\Editor\Data\VFXData.cs" line 400 : if (contextCount > 16) throw new ...
This shader can be used to simulate snowfall or an object made of sand, collapsing. It casts down every voxel of the selected color to the either the next voxel of a different color or the ground. This shader will cast down all voxels at once. So if you have 5 white voxels stacked ...
图片来自 Voxelmade 不过,最近我发现了一款完全免费、足够轻量,效果又不失专业性的 3D 像素风格绘画建模软件:MagicaVoxel。利用它,我们不需要多么丰富的专业知识或者多么强大的电脑硬件,只需要稍微动动鼠标,就能画出我们想象出来的 3D 画作。 接下来,我就为大家简单介绍一下如何利用 MagicaVoxel 轻松进行像素风格的 3D...